Accessibility Tools


Human Optimization System 360
Human Optimization System 360 (HOS360TM)

The foundation of Unicore Health's proprietary HOS360TM software is a patented process that translates a scientific 3600 medical diagnosis of a person's injuries or disabilities to their overall occupational capabilities and matches those to specific job functions and requirements.

The cloud-based technology permits key stakeholders within the Return to Work and Disability industry including Providers, Employers, Insurers, and Third-Party...

Enterprise Job Analytics
Enterprise Job Analytics

Unicore Health's Enterprise Job Analytics (EJA) software delivers automation for an Employer to evaluate their enterprise jobs portfolio, providing the ability to identify and manage jobs inventories, customize job functional requirements, safety information and training programs. The Employer may also analyze and store accommodation and assisted work technologies associated with the job, and track and measure federal compliance.


UnicoreMD is designed for medical professionals to analyze, manage, and determine outcomes for disability and injury cases. Utilizing UnicoreMD, Providers are able to make more accurate and objective occupational decisions and create real-time reports for worker compensation and disability claims, as well as, Employer pre-hiring assessments.

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Google Map of Unicore Health

Unicore Health, Inc.3200 Downwood Circle
Suite 410, Atlanta, GA 30327

[javascript protected email address]

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